Exploring abstract painting through bold color combinations and patterns
Color Play - inspired by my love of vibrant colors, expressive lines, and shapes, this course is loaded with lessons and techniques to build up your confidence in abstract painting.
In this course, you will find three gorgeous lessons, each building upon the next. We create an inspirational color bundle of mini paintings, then work on watercolor paper with acrylics and mixed media supplies. We finally move on to a canvas and paint an incredible show-stopper piece that I guarantee you will love!
Plus, grab a cup of tea for the Bonus lesson, where I share a pile of my abstract work for an art critique, breaking down all the elements in abstract painting - color, value, composition, movement, contrast, and balance.
About this Class
Instant Access
Gain Confidence in Abstract Painting
Acrylics, Inks, Neo Color II + Paint Pens
Guided Instruction
Layers and Mark-making
3 Gorgeous Projects on Canvas + Paper
Bonus Lesson on Abstract Elements
5+ Hours of Content
Downloadable Videos
Lifetime Access
All Levels Welcome

Inspiration Color Bundle
Exploring color combinations and shapes
These mini paintings are a great way to warm up and let go of expectations, this exercise is playful and a reminder of how powerful color and simple lines can be. I LOVE seeing all of them together, which is why we create 25 small pieces – they make a perfect square! These bundles are perfect if you are stuck on a future painting and wondering what colors to use – pull out your bundle and take a peek!
Color Pops
Become more expressive in your work
In this lesson, we work on smooth, hot-press watercolor paper while layering in many shapes, lines, and details. You will come away with a 5x7 piece ready to frame. The color palette I am using is so dreamy in blues, violets, greens, and of course, pinks! There will be lots of line work from the paint pens, along with a softness from the wax crayons.

Color Me Happy!
Are you ready for the showstopper? I am so happy with how she turned out. We have almost every color in the rainbow (except browns and yellows!). Colors are tone-on-tone, some bright and opaque giving this painting a lush and vibrant feel. We will work with acrylic paints, inks, and paint pens on an 11x14" canvas as we build up layer-by-layer, and I will take you every step of the way. I promise you will smile a lot in this class, especially in this lesson, as these colors will make you sing with joy (you can't help it!).
Bonus Lesson
The beauty of abstract art is that there are endless options for how to create a piece.
Grab a cup of tea or a glass of wine for the Bonus Lesson, where I share a pile of my abstract work for you in an art critique, breaking down all the elements in abstract painting - color, value, composition, movement, contrast, and balance.

Art Supplies
Color Play is loaded with gorgeous art supplies as we create bright and bold color combinations, shapes, and lines. It’s easy to get swept away with art supplies, especially when you begin a new class. I suggest that you substitute with what you have on hand. I've made my best discoveries through substitution. I always recommend watching the video first; if there is something new, decide if you want to try it. Check out the video on art supplies and links on the Color Play Art Supplies page.
“Color in a painting is like enthusiasm for life” Vincent Van Gogh
Have you thought about painting abstract and not sure where to start?
Do you wonder about color combinations and how they would look together?
Or do you just want to try a new technique and have fun in the process?
Gain confidence
Try new techniques + ideas
Get into a spontaneous flow
Become more expressive in your work
Be open to the possibilities
then Color Play is the perfect art course for you
The beauty of abstract art is that there are endless options for how to create a piece. When I paint abstract, I find so much freedom and expression in my art. There are no rules - you can’t go wrong with abstract, as it’s all subjective, which is why I love painting this way.
How do I paint abstract? Abstract painting is about being expressive with each layer as I build up the details. I primarily paint circles, arches, dabs, dots, and lines, inspired by natural organic shapes like smooth beach rocks, sea glass, eggs, or flower petals. My color choices are always ones I love and that sing to me, and then I take those and have fun playing with different color combinations.
My style is spontaneous and intuitive, and I will take you every step of the way so you can follow along and apply these techniques to your work. My courses are all about fun and play, and I am always your biggest cheerleader.