GARDEN PARTY Art Supply List

Suggested Art Supply List, Extras + Options!
Please know that it is not my intention for you to purchase all the supplies! You may have a lot of these already, and I always suggest that you use your favorites supplies on hand. And, always stay true to the colors that you love. All my lessons can easily be done in a color palette of your choosing. I recommend you watch the videos first to see what you need!
I am listing options for supplies as well, same product - different brands.
Watercolor Block Pads – different brands
Fabriano hot press 140lb (9x12 pad)
Arches hot press 140lb (10x14 pad)
Student Grade Fabriano hot press watercolor pad (more affordable)
Single sheets of Fabriano hot press watercolor paper 22” x30”
Acrylic Inks
Choose 2 colors you want for your backgrounds, more if you want to have different colors.
I use green + blue, and then magenta + purple. I also add a little white high flow paint to mix
Substitutions: fluid paint, or homemade fluid paint (there is a video in the classroom on making your own)
Golden High Flow White (not necessary, but it’s great to mix with)
King Art Brushes mixed media paint brush kit
Old brush (for gluing)
Wax Crayons
I love painting and drawing with these crayons, just make sure you choose water soluble so you can use wet. If you are lucky to visit an art supply store you can usually find the Neo Colors and wax crayons as singles, or you can find sets online.
Neo Color IIs set
Watercolor Pencils
So many choices out there. I personally like the Caran D’ache the best, the Supra Color II line is incredible. And like the Neo’s sometimes you can find these in an art supply store and just find the colors you like instead of a set. Also the Faber Castell Aqua line is great too.
Faber Castell Goldfaber Aqua set
Some basics:
Regular Lead pencil
White pen I really like the Uni-ball Signo Gel pen
Spray bottle of water
Scissors these small ones are great
Gardening magazines for collage
Art Paper (or make your own) Papersource Etsy
Washi Tape (optional)
Cutting Board (optional)
Foam core for backing board (optional)
Glues + Tapes
There are lots of options to adhere your collage pieces
Matte Medium (or modge podge) –
I like matte medium the best for gluing small pieces and you will need matte medium homemade fluid paint recipe if you are making that.
Yes Paste (optional) – you can use matte medium to adhere your pieces as well.
Tombow tape (optional) – great if you don’t want to get too sticky with glue!
Artist tape (optional)
Magic Scotch tape (optional)
If you feel like shopping from any of the links I just want you to know that as an affiliate I earn a small amount from qualifying purchases, so I can buy more art supplies and continue to create art videos and tutorials!
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