Suggested Art Supply List, Extras + Options!
Please know that it is not my intention for you to purchase all the supplies! You may have a lot of these already, and I suggest that you use your favorites supplies on hand. And, always stay true to the colors that you love. All my lessons can easily be done in a color palette of your choosing. I am listing options for supplies as well – some are more expensive than others so I want to make sure you know that there are different brands out there for the same thing.
Acrylic Paints
Pick colors that you love. I am mainly using Nova Color Paint - it's a soft body type of acrylic, but there are lots of other brands out there to choose from. Liquitex Professional soft body is the most similar to Nova I think. Many brands will have student-grade paints as well as higher-end lines. I will be using my favorite colors a lot; magenta, violet, turquoise, and green while mixing in titanium white or blue to add values. Whatever brand you have will be fine!
Below are just different brands to show you:
Nova Color Paints (min order + no international ship) 147 quinacridone magenta, 142 blue-green, 181 quinacridone violet, 120 yellow-green, 136 hot pink - all their colors are great!
Liquitex Professional Soft Body set of 12, turquoise, magenta, violet, yellow-green, ultra-marine blue
Golden quinacridone magenta, phthalo turquoise, violet, phthalo green, cerulean blue
Liquitex Basics (great student grade) purple gray, turquoise, ultramarine blue
Sennelier Abstract (great student grade) magenta, turquoise, purple, pink yellow-green
Acrylic Inks/High Flow
I will be intermixing “high flow” and “acrylic inks”. They are both fluid acrylic that I use on their own or mix in with regular bodied paint. Like the acrylic paints, I will be using ink colors such as magenta, violet and turquoise along with titanium white or blue to add value. If you have not worked with these before I highly recommend just picking 1-2 warm and cool colors plus white as I use this a lot in the lessons.
Below are just different brands to show you:
Golden High Flow white titanium, quinacridone magenta, phthalo turquoise,
Amsterdam Acrylic Inks turquoise, light green , cyan blue
Daler-Rowney Acrylic Inks turquoise, violet, light green, blue
Best deal: Golden High Flow Set of 10
Watercolor Paper
140lb hot press
If you want to make the art journal in Lesson 1 then you will need (1) 22x30 sheet of watercolor paper. This one sheet will make 2 journals. The mounted floral piece in Lesson 2 is on the same type of paper, but you could use a smaller sheet from a pad if you don’t want to order another big piece. I like buying the sheets and then I just cut down to different sizes.
I prefer Fabriano paper, but Arches is also a great brand too. Hotpress is smooth (which I prefer), and cold press has more texture to it.
Fabriano 4 sheet deal You can also find sheets of paper at Blick Arts, or any other good art supply store.
Watercolor Block Pads
Fabriano hot press 140lb (9x12 pad) or Arches hot press 140lb (10x14 pad)
Student Grade (more affordable) Fabriano Hot Press Watercolor Pad
Wood Panel
(also known as cradle boards)
I will be working on a 6x8, but you can choose any size you prefer.
These come in multi-packs when shopping online (singular in your local art stores)
Gallery wrap canvas
I will be working on a 16x20, but feel to free to use 11x14 or any other size.
I also like deep-sided gallery-wrapped canvases, because I paint the sides but it’s not necessary and I can hang right away without having to frame my painting.
A good quality canvas is always a great investment.
Assorted Brushes
Tip: when buying brushes for acrylic painting I like the blend of synthetic for softer brushes. I’d get a few sizes for different brush strokes.
Princeton 4 piece pack of 4
Sponge brush 20 piece
I also love Kingsart brushes as well, and will be using the Original Gold and the Finesse series.
Mixed Media Supplies
(use your favorites in colors you love)
Neo Color IIs – (tip make sure they are II as those are water soluable)
Stabilo Wax Crayons - another option to Neo IIs these are just bigger
Colored Pencils – assorted colors
Paint Pens – assorted colors. I like Posca or Sharpie. (Love Posca Lilac, Aqua Green, Light Blue, Apple Green)
#2 pencil
Collage papers
(art papers that you can tear)
Paper Source or local stationary stores. Look for Handmade or Japanese papers. You can also paint on wax or deli paper and make your own!
Yes Paste or Matte Medium for adhering onto wood panel + collage pieces
Modge Podge is a more affordable alternative
Artist tape or Scotch Magic tape (I like Scotch tape!)
Water bucket for brushes
Palette paper for your paints (or use 3mm plastic)
Skewer to mark making
Heavy Ruler for journal making
Xacto Knife or box cutter
Awl (or large needle)
Hemp, twine, strong thread to book bind journal
For making the art journal – use one you already have.
For wooden panel – just put your finished piece in a frame that you have.
For canvas – just follow along on watercolor 140lb hot press paper.
If you feel like shopping from any of the links I just want you to know that as an affiliate I earn a small amount from qualifying purchases, so I can buy more art supplies and continue to create art videos and tutorials!
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