“I begin with an idea, and then it becomes something else”
Pablo Picasso
So true right? Often inspiration boards will also lead me to new ideas, new inspirations, new creations!

One of my favorite things to do is gather bits of everything that inspires me and put it all together in one big collage. Viola! … The inspiration board. I either make one before I start a new series of paintings, or in this case I made this board ½ through my “California Dreaming" series of mini art because I was in a creative slump and needed inspiration.

You don't need a big frame like I have (I was lucky that my hubby, Mark built me this from old barn wood). I used to just pin my inspirations right up onto any wall where I was creating. Before I had my studio it was usually in the corner of the family room or my bedroom. If a wall is not an option then you can easily create yours on a piece of foam core (find at any art store) or even an old frame. Take out the glass and add all your collage elements that inspire you.

Some of my favorite things to collect for my boards: bits of older art work that I liked, color swatches from paint store, used palette paper from a good paint session, magazine clippings, flowers (from anywhere), inspiration quotes or sayings and art from other artists who inspire me!
Pinterest is a great place to find inspiration. You can create so many boards for all different things, I have boards for color, inspiration quotes, art that I love and more. Here are some cool inspirational boards that I found!
My biggest inspiration: flowers. Without a doubt flowers just do it for me. The ocean is a close second, but nothing stops me in my tracks like a gorgeous rose or a sweet smelling jasmine. So many colors, shapes and smells to be inspired by.

Hopefully you will now be inspired to make your boards! They are so much fun to make and will definitely spark some creative magic!
xo Andrea