I think she's pretty pissed off.
So far this winter, my hometown of Buffalo has been crippled by a historic blizzard - fierce winds, heavy snow, and frigid temps. But Buffalo is known as the City of Good Neighbors, and the community has come together to help each other out. I love reading heart-moving stories about heroes rescuing their neighbors and even strangers. Check out this news story on 2 incredible Buffalo heroes.
And now here I am in early January, sitting in my Santa Cruz home, battered by a whipping of storms. We are experiencing atmospheric rivers flung from a bomb cyclone in the Pacific Ocean - pretty much over and over again. I think there have been five storms in a row by now (I lost track). Many people think we should be out of our long drought, and all this moisture is good. But believe it or not, we will need a lot more rain through the rest of winter to help our dry soil. We love rain, but not this much this fast. Ooo-wee, it's been a doozy of 2023 so far.

My mom is away from the snow and currently visiting with me. So on the days when there has been a break in the weather, we put on our sneakers and head down to the beach to see what Mother Nature left in her wake. Even with all the mess and devastation - there is still beauty to be found.
Obviously, there is a lot of cleanup to be done - I can't even believe that the huge posts that were ripped from the piers are about 1/2 mile down the beach or the cement road that is cracked and ruined. High tide and tremendous wind just bought in this water surge that caused so much damage to our beaches + flooding to the local communities.
But there is always HOPE and LIGHT everywhere you look.
This local artist is a true inspiration to many around our beach communities. His name is Brighton Denevan, and he is a sand artist and videographer. He was able to come to both Aptos and Capitola and create gorgeous sand art during low tide with messages of Perseverance and Eternal. What I find most inspirational is that he walks for miles during his creation (back and forth in the sand), and then it all gets washed away when the high tide comes. His art is all about being present in the creation and then letting it go.
If you have Instagram or Facebook, you should go follow him - his videos are incredible.
OK! Most importantly, stay safe and listen to those weather reports this winter!
xo Andrea
My 2023 Live schedule (replays are always available right after!)
You are so lucky to be living in warmer part of the world... Your beach walks are always an adventure... We just had a snow storm and rains, so that mean next is freezing ice ...Br-r-r-r-...NO beach combing for me( HAHA)