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Upcycle your art piles into Beauty

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

Do you have heaps of art scrap practice papers? I do! All over the studio, tucked in drawers or behind doors! lol.

A really fun way I "play" around in the studio and not take myself too seriously is to grab some acrylic paints + inks, as well as my favorite mixed media tools, and literally start layering onto these practice papers.

Best tip: Don't get too attached to the practice art (if it's in the pile it's probably there for a reason) Just go for it! I usually splash some fluid acrylics on there to start. Bold move, but it works.

I use whatever I made in the past as the first layer and just "go to town", spending about 30 minutes painting (in whatever color I like). Let it dry and then scribble and make marks all over the paper with watercolor pencils, neo color II wax crayons, and whatever else I can find!

Then after an hour or so, I look for the magic! I take my croppers (or a small matte frame) and look for the beauty. Fall in love with your art and bring it out of the practice heap! Frame it or adhere it to a wooden board. Enjoy it for yourself or give it as a gift!

Check out this fun video as I take a watercolor practice paper from a class I taught last year and really change it up. The fun is in the process and just playing!

When creating your new beauties, make sure your paper can handle wet medium. That's why I love using 140lb watercolor paper for most everything (unless it's a canvas).

Are you ready? Let me know if I sparked your interest and you will give this a try:)


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Roslind Sherman
Roslind Sherman
Oct 12, 2022

Super video ...This is such a good idea... and it doesn’t take too much mind power( HAHA)...I can even do it while watching a movie during the commercials. Love those cropper tools.

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